Below we've listed two ways to connect with our communities. Select the appropriate choice to either view a property's website or to email one of our communities. Some communities may not have a website but you can still connect with them via email. Thank you.
Select Property from the list below to email a community.
We’re here for you. If you would like to contact one of our properties or submit a service request, please select the appropriate neighborhood from the drop-down list. From there, you'll be able to email the desired community!
From the drop-down list below, you can view our communities via their website. Here, you can also find out about leasing, what is available, pricing and much more.
Thank you for trusting Standard Enterprises, Inc. for your housing needs.
Standard Enterprises promotes equal housing opportunity and choice for all prospective residents regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, disability, or marital or familial status.
Standard Enterprises
3104 Breard Street
Monroe, LA 71201
(318) 387-2662